Tuesday, February 26, 2008

If I ever sell the Mazda...

I'm getting one of these.

If you can tell me what brand, year and type of car this is you'll get a cookie.

Darn The Samba logo gives it away...


Large Falling Icicles said...

Looks like an MG on growth hormone.

Skibby said...

i used to have a volkswagen that looked like that. Burned more oil than it did gas...

Trissel said...

Are you and Hoigaards going to be racing road 2008?

Mike Lalla said...

Yes, we have a strong crew of 5 cat.3s and 2 cat.4s. Maybe one more 4 on the way.

Information on the team will be released at the appropriate time.


Skibby it’s called regular scheduled maintenance.

Trissel said...

Can you give me bantles digits. I want to buy some zips off him and can't find his number.
tfgeorge is my handle on google mail