Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Training Tip Tuesday.

Why spend all that hard earned cash on sports marketed compression socks when you can go on eBay and get medical quality socks for only around $5.00? They have full length, calf length and open or closed toe. I like the open so I can wear my flip-flops. Where do you think "Skins" and such get there research from?


Francis Hamre said...

so you just have to buy used ones with holes in the toe if you want them cheap?

Anonymous said...

Are you sure you don't have those on updside down? All of mine have the hole on the bottom.

Mike Lalla said...

They are brand new Francis and made to look already worn out. Just think of them as the Rock & Republic of compression socks... Hmmm Dew, usually I have holes on the bottom of my socks too. Sounds like you need a new set. But these seem to be towards the top as per the bent at the ankle. I should have got the Tyco brand…

Francis Hamre said...

hole on top because the guy that owned them before you had long ass toe-nails. watch out or your guna get some dead guy's foot fungus