Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I made my point and then "pulled out." I was second in the first sprint and then just kept it going over the hill for some reason... I have't been riding hard since Nationals and felt "weird." After two laps recovering I was like why am I going hard again. So I pulled out. I saw my highest HR in years at 198 and my legs feel rested. I was kinda angry for pulling out but I had beer and hanging out with friends on my mind more then I did the race. It was fun seeing everyone. I ended up 8th... Not to bad for only 3 laps of racing and 2 recovering, lame...


Does the sun ever shine up here? You dudes legs are still white... Haha


OTR said...

Good to see you there Lalla.

What exactly was your point? That you can get a better tan in Texas than in MN?

Anonymous said...

I think the point would be you are of strong body and weak mind.

Biwan said...

yeah head case, you'll need need a good mind where you're going to. I'm just jealous.

Mike Lalla said...

Haha Frye. It was real fun to make the last Opus and the point? I'll keep that one to myself.

Anonymouse always makes great points that may be true. But at least I am not going Anonymously through life. That has to account for something right? ;)

Francis Hamre said...

anonymous is always a bitch. i keep having problems with that jerk. tip top!

Mike Lalla said...

I don't have any problems Fancy. That's just how some people roll. It's not that big of a deal to get all worked up.

Alan said...

Yeah, fuck it man. Let's go bowling. Good luck, Lalla. Show up to the races stating: "Here comes America!"