Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Race report

Blah blah race sucked... in other news. The director would like me to race here for the entire year next season. And set me up like no team could in the US.

Hard to pass up.

It´s something to ponder and has really got me thinking. If my plans fall through in the US for next season I may just go back for the summer next year. And maybe go for a year after I am done with school.

I would like to thank MBK-Bicycle Line for a great summer and future possibilities.


My legs feel better after the race I sucked in today. Weird, but it´s hard to "peak" when you race almost every other day. Right? I guess I am tired. But my body feels fine and legs. Maybe it´s my mind. Last race will be friday.


wirerick said...

Take it!

Mike Lalla said...

It´s kind of a sweet back up plan. I´ll have a few months to think about it. I don´t want to take anytime off from school (but that idea is not out of contention.) And I would like to race next year in the states. If I wait a few years I should be fast enough to race the front with all the 49 year old beasts here in Belgium... hahaha

Now I just need to have a good Fall and spring of bike driving.

Adam said...

I'd big ring it!
Wow - you're so EURO right now! Were you wearing your butterfly jeans when he asked you?

Mike Lalla said...

Yes I was! do you think that´s why?

Leslie said...

Please don't wear those to my housewarming...

Mike Lalla said...

I don´t plan on wearing anything there.

Leslie said...

Great! That'll keep guest list small.