Wednesday, November 29, 2006

This might be a good one to start it off

“Just kill me now” Lightning Lalla mumbles to Mucker Brett
The kid seemed distressed by the news.


“Sure, I’ll be your Wingman” Mucker comments as he and Lightning played their way around the disc golf course.
“Yeah, even my Ex said I should ask Jessie out” Lightning nods and struts to the next hole.
“She surely will be at Bocachica’s, she owns the damn place” Mucker starts to outline the gameplan.
“Yeah, we will drop in for a few drinks and I’ll work on my lyrics…she’ll go out with me” Lightning pumps himself up as he gets mentally prepared.
“Here have another Pig’s Eye Lean” Mucker gives him a beer on hole #7.

“Yeah, my ex-fiancée moved from Wisconsin to Minnesota to be a stripper” Disc Golfer Wes comments to the 2 beer leaguers he is playing with.
“Oh, wow,… Well my ex-fiancée was a stripper before she was my ex-fiancée” Mucker retorts.
“I almost had an ex-fiancée” Lightning Lalla ponders

“Have another Pig’s Eye Lean” Mucker hands out beers on hole #14.

“Ok, be calm brother man. Be witty and smile” Mucker encourages Lightning as they enter the establishment.
“Hey”, Lightning Lalla smiles to Jessie the bartender as the two beer leaguers enter and sidle up to the bar.

Conversation ensues… Mucker interjects some humor then excuses himself several times to allow the point man to speak to his lady friend.

Things go well….Lightning Lalla is working on all cylinders, in top form. When there is a lull, Mucker the Wingman jumps in to spark up more conversation…..

Then it happened.

“I’m getting married in October” Jessie the bartender comments to the couple sitting next to Lightning.

“Kill me now” Lalla mutters.

And so it went.

I went from a Wingman to a Pallbearer.


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