Wednesday, September 05, 2007

The Current!

Is now streaming in the pad.




Tuffy said...

Nice chapter on MN in that book. Looks like the profs are already doing their best to change your political outlook.

Mike Lalla said...

I had a professor the other day say Bush was a dumb mother f'er... I though the men in black suits were going to come in and get him right there. haha

Don’t worry Tuffy, I can see through it.

Its all a game, that I need to play in order to get that damn paper in the end.

Anonymous said...

it's 5:59pm and no Lalla Ass in sight. you better get out of bed and make it over to TCC!

Francis, Sheri, Stefan, Brian, the rest of the TCC crew and 20 other cyclist waiting for you!

Mike Lalla said...

You posted that at 4:00 pm...

Mike Lalla said...

Maybe not.

Wiki said...

Weak minds don't fall for that shit Robert. :)

Anonymous said...

Yeah, we did post that at 4:02pm - PACIFIC TIME!

Francis, Sheri, Stefan, Brian, the rest of the TCC crew and 20 other cyclist waiting for you!

Mike Lalla said...

You lie, Period. Now onw was waiting. Lokk at the time post of this one.,..