Monday, April 21, 2008

Another Race Weekend

Up to 18 races.

We did a cool TT hill climb that I did in 3:46 and I didn't get last, But the "Gun Show" did beat me by almost a minute! A circuit race on a car race course and a nice RR. I was happy in that I didn't get dropped in either and played a good part in the RR. I'll be posting some video and some pics later. Francis got 2nd, Alex 3rd in a little group sprint.


I also cracked my new 16.5 pound bike... Damit!!! I'm not sure how it happened but doing the TT I was pushing on the back of the saddle hard and heard a pop! I'll be getting in touch with Pedal Force today. It's all about the Watts!


The allergies are still looming.


Alynn said...

You going to Nationals?

Eric Carter said...

Haha...I called that one...

T said...

your broke your frame? Holy Shit! Was that due to the frame itself our was it your raw power?