Wednesday, July 01, 2009


which one of you turned on my suck mode? I had a great race last Friday, now the last two races have been HORRIBLE! I need a Jupiler.

Jason remember these buildings? They just started to rebuild them. I like the gray on in the middle. It's right next to the pub and canal. I don't think it would cost that much either.


Francis Hamre said...

Michael, it's called puberty. It's something that every boy around your age has to go through at some point. The best way to get through it is to just cut that boyish haircut and access that manly attitude you've got hiding under there. You can do it, I believe in you!

Jason said...

Are those in Izegem? I think they had the roads in there torn up last summer... Yea man, it would be cool to get a place there, I think they are expensive though... that's why when people buy a house there, they live there the rest of their life... maybe renting won't be so bad... Next summer?

Mike Lalla said...

I don't know... I do know I want to come back. I think Todd does too... haha