Tuesday, May 01, 2007


So I've been trying since I've been back from Iraq to get transferred out of the military (ETS) or Inactive ready reserve (IRR) I was supposed to go into the IRR before I went to Iraq.

As of last month I've been NOT going to drill and they're threatening me with an dishonorable discharge. I say bring it on, my first call would be to channel 5 news and we'll let my leaders lack of action be judged in the public eye. I've gone through my chain of command and even higher and nothing works. I've full filled my contract.

I usually don't like posting privet emails but read this. This was from someone whose job it is to help me, the Army soldier. I can't believe this shit.

---The latest that I have heard is that they were questioning why we were trying to transfer him to the IRR because now they think his ETS should have been last September. I emailed them with the whole story and am waiting on their response because they previously denied his ETS discharge packet with the ETS day of last September because his 8 years is up this coming July. I was waiting to hear back from the 330th to inform the Soldier because they may let the IRR transfer go through. Worst case (which is what seems to be happening with this Soldier) we can submit another ETS discharge packet with the July ETS date as early as 20 May.---

This is a joke...

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