Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Texas Fun Fact #2

"Don't Mess With Texas" Is a phrase coined by the Texas Department of Transportation to help keep litter off the highways. This phrase which could only be though up by a Texan is also seriously disrespected by Texans (you can't tell me what to do mentality.) From all my travels this state has the most litter on the side of the road. Mostly it's just Natural Ice boxes and cans but occasionally you'll see a "high dollar" Silver Bullet box. Poor roadside animals have no chance to stay sober.

Thanks Jason for the photo. No joke... This is how we found this little dude.


wirerick said...

True dat! I think I saw that little guy before he passed out. He had that beer stashed in his hole and was trying to bring it out so he could finish it off. Thats weird.

T said...

What was Mr. Armadillo drinking? Shiner?