Thursday, February 15, 2007

My skate guy.

Today was a very productive day. I decided today was the day the old 6 was going to receive a needed oil change and wash. While at the oil change place; I didn’t want to sit there so I grabbed my skates and started walking to my skate guy in West St. Paul. I get there and Emery was glad to see me but was worried I found another sharpener for I haven’t been there for some time. After he was done sharpening my skates he thanked me for the Pond Hockey shirts I brought him last time I was there. He said that I could bring him my skates any time no charge, and then he gave me a signed photo of some pro player… I wanted to pay him but he wouldn’t take my money so I guess I’ll just have to leave it around his shop from now on…


I also made in on Smithers blog links. I'm big time now!

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