This was the last MNSCS race, it was wet and muddy but I had fun.
Monday, January 29, 2007
Tutors welcome
So I gots me a tutor for math. Next hes has too get one for english. Let me now if U now any one. Eye need one most bad like.
Friday, January 26, 2007
Water..... Water!?!?!

In this pic I was scooping snow off the ice. For some reason we didn't have water... We had hot coco with peppermint schnapps and hot apple cider with H100...
Super-rookie was like, "we don't have any water?" he points down at my cup of red stuff and asks"what is that?" I told him it was gatorade but really it was Hot 100. He took a big gulp then spit it all out... wuss.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Shame On Ice Too.

This is the team picture from the US Pond Hockey Championships.
Thanks Amy
The Polar Beers won in broom ball last night. I forgot the score , but I got the old hat trick. After the game we were heading over to the refuge when I saw Dis, I yelled spencer, he brake hard then kept on riding... Punk.
I'm glad I have a car...
Monday, January 22, 2007
Pond Hockey, Shame On Ice 4 Blizzard 1, who's Emery?
This last Sunday was crazy Super-Rookie and I along with 6 other players played in the "Rink Rat" division of the US pond Hockey Championships. We dropped our first game, won our second and dropped our third. Pond hockey is some hard skating with no time to coast. I had my first beer at 6:50am and just kept it up from there.
In the AHA league Shame pulled out a great HARD fought win over the league superstars the Blizzard. This one was a real rocky style game with punches and rough play through out the night. I ended up with no points, two penalties, a little concussion and a hole in my cheek right above my lip where my tooth went through. Chicks dig scars- at least that's what I told my self when I applied the liquid bandage... No health insurances sucks, I probably could have used a stitch or two.
Emery is the name of my skate sharpening guy. We're now on a first name bases. ;)
In the AHA league Shame pulled out a great HARD fought win over the league superstars the Blizzard. This one was a real rocky style game with punches and rough play through out the night. I ended up with no points, two penalties, a little concussion and a hole in my cheek right above my lip where my tooth went through. Chicks dig scars- at least that's what I told my self when I applied the liquid bandage... No health insurances sucks, I probably could have used a stitch or two.
Emery is the name of my skate sharpening guy. We're now on a first name bases. ;)
Friday, January 19, 2007
Reserve, Guard Time Limit Lifted
WASHINGTON - The Pentagon has abandoned its limit on the time a Citizen-Soldier can be required to serve on active duty, officials said Thursday, a major change that reflects an Army stretched thin by longer-than-expected combat in Iraq.
Read about it here
I can't believe this is going on and I feel sorry for our men and women over there.
Looks like I'm taking the route of just getting discharged because its faster then going into the IRR and then being discharged. Being in the Army has left a bad taste in my mouth. Every one has had a different experience in there military careers some good some bad. The problem is kids who sign up don't hear about the bad... That would be bad press.
I can't wait for the day I receive my discharge papers. When that day comes I'll be throwing a big "freedom party." It will be like breaking out of jail on the Four of July.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
ACT and a skate sharpening icon.
The funding has been secured for my ACT prep classes. I am signed up and will start them Feb. 22 for three hours a night once a week for four weeks. Thanks Grandpa!!!
Last Tuesday the Polar Beers had there first night of CSC Broom Ball. Needless to say we had to forfeit for the lack of women on our team. So now were in the loser bracket which should work in our favor. We still played though and the Hot 100 kept us warm.
After the debacle with my skates last week, I'm only going to a guy by my house from now on. You have to drive up and knock on his back door. His wife usually answers and says he'll be right out. After some friendly banter that you can barely understand because of his heavy accent he takes you to his garage. He has posters from a lot of teams in the twin cities and a picture of himself and a young 18 year old Mike Madano along with other pro players. Cost for this is $3.50 but the experience is priceless. I'm not sure how much press he wants, if you want his location contact me. Hint, He lives off of Roberts Street.
I've been off the bike for a few days, I've been skating a few times a week. Next week I'll put the old Power Cranks back on for some more suffering.
Last Tuesday the Polar Beers had there first night of CSC Broom Ball. Needless to say we had to forfeit for the lack of women on our team. So now were in the loser bracket which should work in our favor. We still played though and the Hot 100 kept us warm.
After the debacle with my skates last week, I'm only going to a guy by my house from now on. You have to drive up and knock on his back door. His wife usually answers and says he'll be right out. After some friendly banter that you can barely understand because of his heavy accent he takes you to his garage. He has posters from a lot of teams in the twin cities and a picture of himself and a young 18 year old Mike Madano along with other pro players. Cost for this is $3.50 but the experience is priceless. I'm not sure how much press he wants, if you want his location contact me. Hint, He lives off of Roberts Street.
I've been off the bike for a few days, I've been skating a few times a week. Next week I'll put the old Power Cranks back on for some more suffering.
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Shame On Ice 8 Gray Dragons 1
This was a good game for us in the standings for the play offs, we really needed this one. The score says it all but before the game was crazy.
I thought I might need to get my skate sharpen, better safe then sorry I say. I brought them to a dude in the No Hope arena. After bringing back for him to re-sharpened I had to try these things on the Ice. I think there was a Pewee Practice and I asked the coach if I could hit the ice for a little time. I couldn't glide straight and had no outer edges AGAIN. So I took them back to another guy who said they were having problems with the sharpener (THANKS FOR F'IN TELL ME THAT SOONER.) So this guys does his best and there BAD. Like, I never in my life skated on skates this messed up. From now on I'll only go to the Russian guy by my house.
I ended up the night with 1 goal 5 assist and two penalty's. One penalty I was behind there net and was working the puck. This bigger guy came over and started to push me around and grabbing my stick... So I put this big moron down and got the shot on net only to have some other guy up in my face ready to fight... I served my two minute and then went free.
We had like 20 or so lady fans thanks to the Anvil and my grandpa, Who told me I shouldn't get so fustrated. I told him I'm just really vocal and animated. :)
I thought I might need to get my skate sharpen, better safe then sorry I say. I brought them to a dude in the No Hope arena. After bringing back for him to re-sharpened I had to try these things on the Ice. I think there was a Pewee Practice and I asked the coach if I could hit the ice for a little time. I couldn't glide straight and had no outer edges AGAIN. So I took them back to another guy who said they were having problems with the sharpener (THANKS FOR F'IN TELL ME THAT SOONER.) So this guys does his best and there BAD. Like, I never in my life skated on skates this messed up. From now on I'll only go to the Russian guy by my house.
I ended up the night with 1 goal 5 assist and two penalty's. One penalty I was behind there net and was working the puck. This bigger guy came over and started to push me around and grabbing my stick... So I put this big moron down and got the shot on net only to have some other guy up in my face ready to fight... I served my two minute and then went free.
We had like 20 or so lady fans thanks to the Anvil and my grandpa, Who told me I shouldn't get so fustrated. I told him I'm just really vocal and animated. :)
The way the cookie crumbles
Will Ullrich's DNA be the first tested? If his is tested it won't take long for the rest to be under a nice cloud of suspicion for holding there DNA back. Remember a few riders retired for just being on "the list." Ullrich is delusional if he thinks hes is going to race again.
Friday, January 12, 2007
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Throw back...

I used to play paintball competitively and reffed professionally( like got paid.) The first photo is the best team this state has ever seen in March of 04(thats me in blue, we won.) The next is me going across the 50 yard line doing stupid stuff... I'am very passionate about this sport, but when I was in Texas I found my true love.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Is eBay the new porn king?
Is it just me? Every time I go on eBay to look at stuff I can't afford there's always porn on the first listing...
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Shame clip.
Let me set this up. We're in white and one of our players gets a penalty. As that Ice Hog guy fell his stick came up and clipped out guy in the face. While our guy was getting a penalty he was bleeding. As he was skating off the rink he hit the ref with his stick trying to show him the blood. Well the ref though he did it on purpose and gave him a 10 min major!!!
You tell me if he tried to hit the ref? If he wanted to slash the ref I think he would have done it a lot harder and with both hands. Our people are already in the works fighting this call. We got it all on tape. haha
You never know what your going to get when you go to a Shame On Ice game. The tickets are free and the Shame is priceless.
You tell me if he tried to hit the ref? If he wanted to slash the ref I think he would have done it a lot harder and with both hands. Our people are already in the works fighting this call. We got it all on tape. haha
You never know what your going to get when you go to a Shame On Ice game. The tickets are free and the Shame is priceless.
Sunday, January 07, 2007
This ones going down in history. We won in OT 10-9, full report from the "Mucker" later today.
--- Here it is. :)
"Ok Gang, Listen Up!" Sheriff raises his voice to speak on the DuckTapeExpress. "The IceHogs have 3 big scorers out there tonight" the Captaincontinues. "Plus, three Ex-Shame on Icers; Bezerker Brian, FreightTrainGregg and Johnnys got his helmet."
"If today is a home game, why are we taking the bus?" Buckshot Daviewonders aloud. "It is the JMRT (January Minnesota Road Trip)." MuckerBrett smiles. "Yeah, but why at we in Ely?" Grumpy Smurf complains."Are we There YET?
This past weekend, The Shame on Ice (4-3) took on the Ice Hogs (5-2) atSaint Thomas Arena. This was the first meeting of the two clubs duringthe WBL (Winter Beer League). During the preseason the two teams had ascrimmage, which lead to some excitement.
"A Beer League Disagreement, if you would." Brickhouse Mike smirks. "Areal Brew-Ha-Ha" Hacksaw recalls.
..."You're playing wing Grumpy." Sheriff Brent announces the line-up. "ButI'm a Defensemen, I'm slow,..." Grumpy Smurf gets tuned out. "Hey didyou see the rookie we called up?" Anvil Amy asks the Scooter. "Yup, anew player means Mucker might have to carry the extra equipment bag tostay on the club" Scooter comments......
time passes...
"#4; Holding and Tripping" The ref escorts his Shameness to the box."Yah know Mucker, sitting in here isn't good" Peg Leg Kerry comments tothe fourth line winger "For sure, Penalties in Overtime will get me sentback down to Omaha" Mucker Brett fears. "See Ya" Peg Leg jumps backonto the ice after serving 2 minutes. "Hi Sheriff" Mucker greets aShame "Yah know Mucker, sitting in here isn't good" Sheriff Brentcomments to the fourth line winger as he grabs a seat in the 'Fortressof Solitude'. "For sure, Penalties in Overtime will get me sent backdown to Omaha" Mucker Brett fears.
A great roar from the capacity home crowd went up when Target made hisfirst save of the night. "Good Save Target" Jumpin Joel stands andthumps his hockey stick against the dashers. "He must have been lullingthem into a false sense of security on those first 5 shots eh?" AnvilAmy assures.
"We are a third period team!" Thor barks after the Ice Hogs scoredtheir ninth goal of the contest.
And so the comeback began, slowly at first, then with reckless abandon."reckless abandon?" Lightning Lalla wonders.
Trailing the entire game, the Shame on Ice regrouped and outshot the IceHogs 40-28.
As time ticked down on the 9-9 tie....Shame on Ice killing a 5-3 mandisadvantage, regulation time expired.
"I've been in here a while" Mucker comments on his extended stay in the'Fortress of Solitude'"
I got it" The Counselor comments as he jumps on the ice to help killthe penalties.
...Shame on Ice (5-3) defeated the Ice Hogs (5-2-1) by a score of 10-9.The Counselor scored the shorthanded goal in overtime to secure the victory."This is the only way to come out of the penalty box" Sheriff smiles. "Yup, but they may put us back in there before the next game" Muckercomments.
Hat Trick (3) The Counselor Matt
Hat Trick (3) Grumpy Smurf Derk
The Rookie
Anvil Amy
--- Here it is. :)
"Ok Gang, Listen Up!" Sheriff raises his voice to speak on the DuckTapeExpress. "The IceHogs have 3 big scorers out there tonight" the Captaincontinues. "Plus, three Ex-Shame on Icers; Bezerker Brian, FreightTrainGregg and Johnnys got his helmet."
"If today is a home game, why are we taking the bus?" Buckshot Daviewonders aloud. "It is the JMRT (January Minnesota Road Trip)." MuckerBrett smiles. "Yeah, but why at we in Ely?" Grumpy Smurf complains."Are we There YET?
This past weekend, The Shame on Ice (4-3) took on the Ice Hogs (5-2) atSaint Thomas Arena. This was the first meeting of the two clubs duringthe WBL (Winter Beer League). During the preseason the two teams had ascrimmage, which lead to some excitement.
"A Beer League Disagreement, if you would." Brickhouse Mike smirks. "Areal Brew-Ha-Ha" Hacksaw recalls.
..."You're playing wing Grumpy." Sheriff Brent announces the line-up. "ButI'm a Defensemen, I'm slow,..." Grumpy Smurf gets tuned out. "Hey didyou see the rookie we called up?" Anvil Amy asks the Scooter. "Yup, anew player means Mucker might have to carry the extra equipment bag tostay on the club" Scooter comments......
time passes...
"#4; Holding and Tripping" The ref escorts his Shameness to the box."Yah know Mucker, sitting in here isn't good" Peg Leg Kerry comments tothe fourth line winger "For sure, Penalties in Overtime will get me sentback down to Omaha" Mucker Brett fears. "See Ya" Peg Leg jumps backonto the ice after serving 2 minutes. "Hi Sheriff" Mucker greets aShame "Yah know Mucker, sitting in here isn't good" Sheriff Brentcomments to the fourth line winger as he grabs a seat in the 'Fortressof Solitude'. "For sure, Penalties in Overtime will get me sent backdown to Omaha" Mucker Brett fears.
A great roar from the capacity home crowd went up when Target made hisfirst save of the night. "Good Save Target" Jumpin Joel stands andthumps his hockey stick against the dashers. "He must have been lullingthem into a false sense of security on those first 5 shots eh?" AnvilAmy assures.
"We are a third period team!" Thor barks after the Ice Hogs scoredtheir ninth goal of the contest.
And so the comeback began, slowly at first, then with reckless abandon."reckless abandon?" Lightning Lalla wonders.
Trailing the entire game, the Shame on Ice regrouped and outshot the IceHogs 40-28.
As time ticked down on the 9-9 tie....Shame on Ice killing a 5-3 mandisadvantage, regulation time expired.
"I've been in here a while" Mucker comments on his extended stay in the'Fortress of Solitude'"
I got it" The Counselor comments as he jumps on the ice to help killthe penalties.
...Shame on Ice (5-3) defeated the Ice Hogs (5-2-1) by a score of 10-9.The Counselor scored the shorthanded goal in overtime to secure the victory."This is the only way to come out of the penalty box" Sheriff smiles. "Yup, but they may put us back in there before the next game" Muckercomments.
Hat Trick (3) The Counselor Matt
Hat Trick (3) Grumpy Smurf Derk
The Rookie
Anvil Amy
Saturday ride.

Dan from BCR and myself headed out again yesterday for some west suburb chills. All and all it was a good ride with 8 souls starting the day which was more then the GP ride I saw earlier. ;)My heart rate was under control and I did my fare share at the front where it seemed there was always a head wind. Dan did a good job hanging in there and I know he hit his limit a few times. I'm glad I didn't have to go that hard. haha My time off the power cranks is much needed. My hip is feeling better and I've notice my riding has been getting stronger even though I'm not really pushing it.
I figured out the ACT test will be better for me to take. I along with a few friends have been looking for a course, in addition with my self studies there should be no problem.
Shame update. We play tonight against the Ice Hogs there 5 and 2 and it should be a hard game. Shame has been spending some recreational time on the ice and off bonding, feeling each other out not up. I see positive improvements though out the year and I think we'll create a few upsets.
Friday, January 05, 2007
Cougars, T-Birds, O my.
So yesterday was a classic day on the road in the north west suburbs. At the first stop sign some moron pulls up in his Cougar and lays some rubber down which was very uncalled for. As he was doing this Ed throws up a hand jester. The guy in the Cougar thinks it might be a good idea to stop and have a chat. As Ed all 135lbs of him goes storming down the road to have a talk, the guy gets wise and does another burn out and never looks back. Man what a way to get the heart rate up.
Next was your basic yelling and the middle finger by some punk kids in there T-Bird.
Nature was calling at this point so we stopped at Holy Name Park. Ed did his business in the port O john and came back with a note that said this...
At this point some creepy guy in an SUV drives by really slow and looks at us weird. We ride out of there fast like.
I see why all you guys like the western berbs now, there's never a dull moment. I think I'll stick to St. Paul.
I also received my high school transcript. Lets just say it looks like the alphabet. ;)
Next was your basic yelling and the middle finger by some punk kids in there T-Bird.
Nature was calling at this point so we stopped at Holy Name Park. Ed did his business in the port O john and came back with a note that said this...
Guy Blow Job-
No strings attached-
2nd Thursday- today
Just park near building- (here)
We can do in in my SUV
At this point some creepy guy in an SUV drives by really slow and looks at us weird. We ride out of there fast like.
I see why all you guys like the western berbs now, there's never a dull moment. I think I'll stick to St. Paul.
I also received my high school transcript. Lets just say it looks like the alphabet. ;)
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Frustrations, Flats and SATs
I love global warming. So next time that good old boy runs you off the road thank him for keeping us warm. Today was the first day off from the power cranks in a few months (I have to let my hip heal) and it feels great. Stopping was funny and I could barely pedal "normal" but all and all the ride felt great to be out there pushing the pedals, clearing the mind.
I did get a flat over the Madota brig. I was riding along and I couldn't understand why my bike was pulling to the left. haha after a few miles of this I had to check it out... I used one of those Huchison tire things and got foam all over the place. I rode it to GP only to find I had 20lbs of air in it. Riding home from there was a lot easier.
The coach down in Texas is helping me out with my admission questions. So to get a jump on things I went to the library to get a SAT study guide. I might have to take the SATs which I didn't take at Coon Rapids High School and I want to be ready. I expect after studying on my own I'll learn more in a few months then I ever did at high school. There is some confusion dealing with my military and Veteran status while it will help me out in the long run its hard for schools to place me course wise... Like NAU who hasn't called or emailed me back. I'm sorry I ever wanted to spend money at you school...
Tomorrow I'll be heading up to Coon Rapids getting my transcript and putting some miles in the western suburbs.
I did get a flat over the Madota brig. I was riding along and I couldn't understand why my bike was pulling to the left. haha after a few miles of this I had to check it out... I used one of those Huchison tire things and got foam all over the place. I rode it to GP only to find I had 20lbs of air in it. Riding home from there was a lot easier.
The coach down in Texas is helping me out with my admission questions. So to get a jump on things I went to the library to get a SAT study guide. I might have to take the SATs which I didn't take at Coon Rapids High School and I want to be ready. I expect after studying on my own I'll learn more in a few months then I ever did at high school. There is some confusion dealing with my military and Veteran status while it will help me out in the long run its hard for schools to place me course wise... Like NAU who hasn't called or emailed me back. I'm sorry I ever wanted to spend money at you school...
Tomorrow I'll be heading up to Coon Rapids getting my transcript and putting some miles in the western suburbs.
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
They are real.
UFOs I'm a firm believer that there has to be other life then just our sad species in this galaxy. My uncle is an airline pilot for one of the big airlines out there and he has seen and told me lots of stuff. Ask any airline pilot there views about UFOs and you'll get the same answer. They spend hours and hours in the sky they know what they see when they see it. The problem is these guys can't ever say they saw these things for they might lose the pilot license because there crazy.
Monday, January 01, 2007
Hi Mike,
Just a real quick reply right now. I'm in Wisconsin and I'm driving back to Wichita Falls tomorrow and then Wednesday morning.
I'd like to keep the conversation going about your attending MSU. If you could write back with either a race resume or a good idea of how much racing you've been doing and your results, I'd appreciate it.
And, let's nail down some dates for you to visit.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to hearing from you with some more specifics. I can definitely help get you pointed in the right direction with admissions questions. We can talk more after I hear back from you and I'm back in Wichita Falls.
Take care -- and happy new
I wrote to Gary (coach for MSU cycling team) only an hour or so ago and he already responded. I'm starting off the new year in the right direction.
Its all about style in 07!!
You have to be fast if you wear these, so fast you go back in time. Are these making the come back for 07? Look out Tommy H you got nutin' on Zubas.
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