Sunday, June 13, 2010

Baby Jokers!!!

When am I going to learn how to race a bike! This is starting to piss me off. My legs work but my mind has no clue what’s going on in a race. I even found myself looking at the damn old wind mill that was far off in the distance during the race. Arrggg

The race started off with me seeing the betting board where some idiot put some euros on me. I then couldn’t clip in at the start. Then the first bump section I saw a stream of water shoot the dude in front of me… my bottle ended up between my crank and down tube. I got that all figured out and it was time to race. An early break went and stayed way till 5 laps to go. My legs? It felt like I didn’t even have a chain on, I felt the best I’ve ever felt in a race in my entire life. I though all I had to do was make the next break and I could sprint it out. I never tried to make the first group… or the second… I did bridge up to the third group where we were catching the second and lead group! So we were actually going faster than them! If I would have put in that same effort to the first break 15 min earlier I would be writing a different story. Aggg I’m pissed off.

At least I got 7hrs on the bike today. Next race is an interclub race Wednesday where I hope to be able to help a guy on our team who has won a few races recently.

Oh yeah.. I ended up 22nd.

I’m still mad.

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