Wednesday, June 10, 2009

MBK-Bicycle Line

I think this maybe will be my team here. I still haven’t figured out how it all works... But this is a letter from the Belgium Federation stating it's ok for me to be on that team till I leave. I think they travel quite a bit so maybe I'll be able to do some races in different countries or something... but I really have no clue.


In other news that darn crit is full. But all is not lost. I am on a waiting list and if I show up they'll give me some money for NOT letting me race. That's right.

This photo is for you Grandma!

Fancy, these goats were having a "King of the Trampoline Battle Royal" when I rode by. I tried to take a photo but the all saw me at the same time, paused and then all in unison bahhhhhhed and came running. Good stuff. I am thinking about getting a goat for the Complex…


wirerick said...

Francis can help you out with that... I can't wait to here what Adam has to say!

Adam said...

Good one dude - that's frame-able.

As soon as you mentioned goats I thought of this:

Francis Hamre said...

ya dude you want a milk goat or a meat goat?

Terradise said...

You can only get a goat if you get a trampoline as well. Otherwise what will the goat have to do???

Francis Hamre said...

remember that asshole mini goat I used to have? the sucker used to jump on the bull when he was laying down and jump around on him. thats the kinda goat you need