For those watching NVGP in a few days. Please cheer on my good friends and teammates. Jason S., Todd E. and Colt T.. I think these dudes will be sticking there noses out there trying to do shit and get notice. Any support you can give will make them go harder. I think they'll be racing under blue RBM Richardson Bike Mark kits. If you don’t know them just follow Leslie around. I think she’s doing the leg massages.
Who knows maybe next year we’ll have a full collegiate team strong enough to come out and play.
Yeah, right! I don't want to get beat up by Tiff.
It's called a "helper" not a "humper" Gezzzzz.
So did they have to qualify?
No dude, they are from out of state. I have no clue how that crap works but I think that qualifying thig is a bunch of bull.
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