Sunday, March 11, 2007


So last night I had my first bike racing dream of the season. It was a crit that I had to prepare a long time for, The problem was, I didn't have any crank arm bolts... So my cranks fell off- I think the PC are f'in up my mind. Then I had a dream about Iraq... Most of time there ok I guess.

I can remember every dream which is cool and have been able to control them for some years, like fly on command because I know its a dream. I'm not sure what this means, I need a dream book.


Anonymous said...

Perhaps you were dreaming that you were me in that crit, having no crankarm bolts, because you still have them for the Chorus crank that I lent to you. Dreams are often about guilt, ya know. :)

Mike Lalla said...

haha.. Sweet I think that was it. Now where did I put those...

Wiki said...

With my BCR jersey probably.


Mike Lalla said...

2 week rule...

Wiki said...

I don't think so...